About us

Who is Tarsha Bailey?

I am a Bio-Energetic Health & Wellness Life Coach  and the founder of New Lifestyle Wellness.

I received my certification as a Health & Wellness Life Coach from the Health Coach Institute and my training in Bio-Energetics from NES Health. I also have an MBA from the University of Massachusetts in Leadership, specializing in coaching and developing people to help them identify their unique talents, gifts and strengths to evolve into their best self.

In addition, I am certified to teach a course called – The Clarity Catalyst, which is based on a Stanford University Master’s degree program created by Dr. Michael Ray.  The course was originally for business students to find their true purpose, become their authentic self, and develop their creativity through mindfulness and emotional intelligence practices.

I have always had a desire to help people.  After having struggles with my own physical health, and being prescribed medication that had the potential to cause so many more health issues, I decided to take a holistic approach to my health and had great success.

I found that after many diets, losing weight and gaining it back, the only thing that worked for me was to change my eating habits.  Instead of dieting, I had to create a new thought process.  Not just eat to address my hunger or satisfy my cravings, but eat for energy and to nourish my body.   

I realized that caring for my mental, emotional and spiritual health is just as important as my physical health.  It’s all connected.  And if given the right support our body has the miraculous ability to heal itself.

This journey led me down the path to become an advocate to help others heal naturally and holistically, mind body and soul.

My objective is to Educate, Encourage and Empower others to be the head of their physical and mental health care management.

As a Coach I am here to support you along your journey, be your accountability partner, cheer you on, provide resources, keep you laser-focused, and on track.  You don’t have to do it alone.

Certifications & Insurance

Self-Care is not Selfish

Healing starts from within. Take time for yourself to relax, slow down and tune in to your feelings regularly.

Release any feelings that do not promote unconditional self-love.  This has a major impact on your everyday choices.  If your thoughts are not clear you won’t be in control of your actions.

You are not just your body.  You are a mind, body and soul.  They all work in unison and need care and compassion to make you feel whole and complete and to function at your peak performance.  If you do not maintain each element how can you thrive?  

I’ve created a program that is focused on the Mind, the Body and the Soul, which help my clients become empowered and take charge of their health and wellness and to feel confident in knowing what their body needs. 

So…Whats on your mind?

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